Access PC with a Keyboard, Video, Mouse, Audio and RS232 up to 1000 feet away using a single Category 5 UTP cable
- Provides remote access of the PC with keyboard, mouse and monitor.
- Uses single CAT-5 UTP cable to reduce installation costs
- Extends signal to a maximum distance of 1,000 feet
- Supports all PC/AT and PS/2 keyboards with full emulation
- Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock are automatically saved and restored.
- Supports full emulation and conversion on all PC/AT and PS/2 mice
- Recognizes and supports a mix of PC/AT and PS/2 mice
- Compatible with Windows, NT, OS/2, UNIX, Linux, and other operating systems
- Supports computer monitors with resolution of up to 1600x1200
- Offers adjustable cable compensation
- Compact metal enclosure
- Extends signal to a maximum of 1,000 ft
- Supports stereo audio
- Supports RS232 from 300bps up to 19,200 bps
- Compensation for each color